Green P@stures

not looking at the other side of the fence. finding it right where i am. it's my adventurous 'walk' of faith from a wheelchair.

Thursday, April 20, 2006

An Easter Invitation--If You Dare!

Came across this poem on Easter morning. Not sure who wrote it but they seem to be onto something. Sadly, it appears, at least on the surface, to claw too closely to the quick of our modern-fare temperamental stained-glass comfort-driven religiosity…

Come to the Easter Party

I think on Easter morning we should throw confetti in church! No?
What about a little fanfare? A deafening drum roll?
A three minute standing ovation?
What? Have we had the drums beaten out of us,
that we in the celebrative community can’t really get excited
About God’s aliveness
About God’s love given to us unconditionally?
Have we given Easter to the lily bearers, the bunny rabbits,the patent leather shoes?
Let’s face it: We live as though we don’t believe in Easter.
We’re the crowd-easily swayed, easily scared,easily calling for blood.
We’re the good church people who can’t believe Jesus meant love one another--
Not all the one anothers, not drug addicts and criminals.
We hate injustice when it’s injustice towards us.
We love mercy when it’s mercy for us.
We walk humbly with our God when it’s convenient.
We’re babe believers who resist the resurrection;
We’re Christmas Christians who are very good at celebrating Christ’s birth.
We can cling to the babe.
We’re even Crucifixion Christians, agonizing, sympathizing, relating to the hero on the cross.
We can rock a baby;
We can weep for a Dead Man;
But what can we do with a 33-year old who won’t let the story end?
Easter scares us because we’re the people who can’t believe that God gives us abundant life.
We think we have to earn it.
In our pull-yourself-up-by-your-own-bootstraps society
It’s hard to remember that God doesn’t buy the self-made person.
So we in the church spend our lives showing God
What good people we are,
What achievers we are,
How much we deserve God’s love.
We want to pay our own way but Easter says it’s already been paid!!
Easter says, no matter how prodigal, we can go home again!!
So come to the Easter party!!
Let’s celebrate the amazing grace that in Christ’s resurrection
We are still loved even at our most outrageous.
The Lord has given us the music, all we need to do is dance!
Come to the Easter party!!


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