Peace, Be Still...

The following is an excerpt of a sermon preached by the late C.C. Lovelace, a little-known African-American preacher. The sermon was preached around sixty years ago in Eau Gallie, Florida. Let his dramatic retelling of the calming of the storm by our Savior remind you of His infinite power over the gales you might be going through or, perchance, heading into…for the Christian, it's always hurricane season…
"And one of the disciples called Jesus:
"'Master! Carest Thou not that we perish?'
"And He arose
"And de storm was in its pitch
"And de lightnin' played on His raiments as He stood on the prow of the boat
"And He placed His foot on the neck of the storm
"And spoke to the howlin' winds
"And de sea fell at His feet like a marble floor
"And de thunders went back into their vault
"Then He set down on de rim of de ship
"And took the hooks of His power
"And lifted de billows in His lap
"And rocked de winds to sleep on His arm
"And said, 'Peace, be still.'"
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