Green P@stures

not looking at the other side of the fence. finding it right where i am. it's my adventurous 'walk' of faith from a wheelchair.

Friday, June 30, 2006

Mad No More (Post Script)

I’ll bet you thought the story had ended. And, for the most part, this chapter has, but I thought I would add some interesting developments. The two boys in the drama, my son and his best friend, are going back to Honduras! Within hours of Graham’s return to the Atlanta airport where a large gathering welcomed the Team home, my boy heard that the missions group that had sponsored their odyssey was organizing another foray into the central American country in just a couple of weeks.

Graham lit up! He came to us and said he would do anything to make the trip, that he believes the Lord has some unfinished business with him there, and begged us to let him leave. How could we say otherwise?

The past seven days have given us the roller coaster ride of seeing mountains moved, confessions made, the very best and close-to-the-worst in the Family of God, accusations, rumors, gossip, reconciliations, healings, amazing forgiveness, support and restoration. Last night, my son and I prayed out by our swimming pool in the backyard, holding hands and crying. When I asked him to pray at a pizza parlor tonight, he removed his hat (I just fixed a typo: I put an ‘e’ on the end of that last word…imagine that?) then my son commenced to thank God for His undeserved grace and marveled that he and his friend are now moving aggressively in the flow of the HOLY Spirit (and not under the influence of the other) and asked that God would forever keep them on His path.

Tonight, we watched “Cars” at the theater and laughed as a family more than we had in the past six months, maybe longer. A few times, I sat and listened to the music of the spirit set free in my boy and breathed numerous praise offerings to our Deliverer.

When we got home, Graham got a call from his friend (oh, for goodness sake, I’ll just say his name: Jacob) and he listened as Jacob told him that he had met with a friend who was struggling and when the friend was about to leave, Jacob said, “Why don’t we pray about this together?” Graham beamed into the phone, and exclaimed, “Sweet!” which is kind of a trademark for him (hence, his nickname, “Sweet Graham”)

I just shake my head and marvel.

Oh, and the Lord has done another miracle. When I took Graham and Jacob to Waffle House (?!?) the other night, I made a singular statement. I told Jacob I wished he could go with Graham to Honduras. Welp, wouldn’t ya know? Turns out there is one slot left open for the July Team and Jacob is going. I think God has some unfinished business with Jacob out there too.

Thank you for reading these posts. By the stat meter, they’ve broken all kinds of records for my blog. Usually, I get around 10-15 hits a day but these have rung up 175 in the past couple of days. Writing is therapeutic for me. I have not really reached out to many while my emotions have bottomed out recently but these writings about the amazing workings of our Almighty God have pastured my soul and I am in ‘rejoice mode’! Yeah, God!

If perchance the Lord lays it on your heart to send an offering toward this mission venture, Graham and Jacob need to raise a total of $2600 between them (not each) and because the Team leaves two weeks from tomorrow, there isn’t much time. Even though I’m a pastor, I am not really very good at appealing for funds, but I believe there will be some who want to tangibly touch the miracle in this way. You may send your checks to:

New River Community Church
3464 Fairburn Road
Douglasville, GA 30135
(Just put ‘Graham/Jacob Honduras Mission’ in the memo line)

More than anything, please pray for the boys July 14-23 and ask that the Lord gives them a fuller and deeper measure of joy and satisfaction in Himself that will mark all the days of the rest of their lives. Jacob is so reconciled to his family that he has not stopped talking—he has missed a lot of precious moments with them and is making up for lost time.

Graham is a different personality altogether. We offer our praise to You, Father, for having him tattooed to Your palms and never forgetting Your enduring covenant of love with our boy. We stand with Graham and are glad to go with him through whatever comes.

Pray also for me. As a Dad, I flubbed up so many times these past three years. I angrily scolded his behavior, not taking the time to shepherd his heart. His antics (wrongfully) embarrassed me in ministry but that is all under the blood today, as I too have put my being mad at the foot of the Cross. And Sandy? Well, sir, she has absolutely been the glue that has kept us a family all these years, even though she has had to endure two very mad “boys”. But, praise to the Holy One, we are mad no more.


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